A Guide To Beginner’s Mountain Climbing Gear

As people who are new to the field of climbing, you might only see it in one perspective – thrilling. With media portraying people elated to be on mountain tops, no wonder why you would also want to try it.

The end products are what you see from your screens, videos and pictures of those who reach the top. But did you ever wonder how hard it was for them to get there having to carry all those stuffs and wearing appropriate mountain climbing gear?

So before you get all hyped up about climbing the highest mountain near you, be sure that you are indeed prepared to do so.

Climbing itself will take a lot of your energy, strength, endurance, and determination. You don’t want to get caught unprepared halfway through your climb.

Unless you wear proper mountain climbing gear, your excitement and determination could only take you as far as the foot of the mountain.

As a newbie, consider the following before buying your mountain climbing gear:

Go for indoor wall climbing first

Before building a structure investors have to see the prototype before they buy the materials. It is the same thing with climbing. Before proceeding to the search for your mountain climbing gear you have to have a feel of what you are about to invest in.

Try indoor wall climbing first, see if you like it. This will help you decide and will also give you an idea of what mountain climbing gear looks and feels like.

Assess your body

Assess yourself after trying the “prototype”. Which body part do you need to support more? This question will help you know what mountain climbing gear you need.

If you have experienced back aches after wall climbing you will know that you have to look for a harness with an added back support.

Slips and fallbacks because of your weak ankles will tell you that you need to support your feet with the right kind of shoes and additional ankle supports. Listen to your body’s advance directive before the purchase.

Know the appropriate gear for your skill

This is very basic. You need to know what mountain climbing gear is appropriate for you. Search the internet, ask friends who have gone mountain climbing, or ask sales representatives.

Knowing the appropriate mountain climbing gear will save you money from buying unnecessary equipment that are used for advanced mountaineering.

Do not rush in and buy everything you see. Spare your pockets from your over excitement.

Try on and check each gear

There’s no harm in trying out the mountain climbing gear at firs before buying it. Just like clothes, you have to make sure it fits you perfectly.

Mountain climbing gear will protect you from harm once you are on your way to the top so you have to ensure that you are wearing appropriate and comfortable gears.

Try harnesses that fit you well or helmets that fit snugly to your head. In addition, check the quality of the mountain climbing gear carefully. Buy those made of superior materials.