Want To Include Canoeing As An Activity At Your Camping Trip? Here Are Some Safety Guidelines And Equipment!

CanoeingCanoeing is a great camping activity.

It is mainly the activity which involves padding a canoe for the recreation purpose, transportation and also as a sport. Canoeing is also called as float trip.

Canoeing in ponds, lakes and rivers is one of the most fun leisure activities which you can enjoy a lot with your family.

The main key for canoeing is to be well prepared. If you have the right equipment you will have a great time. So, you want to consider canoeing as one of the camping activities in your trip, here are some guidelines to keep in mind.

  • The two most important things you need to bring for your camping trip include bug spray and sunscreen.
  • Keep enough liquids in your hand so that you can enjoy the trip. Keep water bottles in your cooler when coming to the camp. Avoid bringing thick drinks like sugary drinks and juices.
  • Seal everything that you want to bring to the camping trip in plastic bags.
  • Don’t bring the foods that are very cold when you are trying for canoeing. For example, salads.
  • Wear shoes that can be tied or regular water shoes.
  • It is better to pack all the items in a waterproofing bag.
  • Sit down low in the canoe. It is the most important thing to be considered.
  • You should be very careful while getting in and out of the canoe.

There are many types of canoeing. The most popular types of recreational canoeing include:

Whitewater canoeing – This indicates to padding along White Water Rivers for enjoyment. This type involves different levels like long and short journeys and also great outings on raging white water.

Canoe camping – This is a combination of canoeing and camping.

Play boating – This indicates surfing while doing tricks.

Essential equipment to include in your camping checklist for canoeing:

This checklist is helpful for the trips which are lasting for two or more days.

  • Canoe
  • Paddles
  • Signaling device
  • Maps in waterproof case
  • Headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries and bulbs
  • Pocket knife
  • First aid kit
  • Food
  • Fire starter
  • Canoeing clothing
  • Drinking water
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen

Finally, canoeing is fun to enjoy. If you want to canoe in calm waters, there is no need to follow these tips. So, you can safely consider canoeing while camping.