What is Wet Breath?
When you go for scuba diving then you need oxygen cylinders to breathe from. The mouth piece that you use to inhale from can sometimes act out. While breathing in sometimes you may get some salt water of the sea in your mouth and later that salt water may be in your breath. That is called wet breath. There are several reasons that can cause wet breath.
What Causes it?
Some of the obvious reasons for wet breath are:
- The hard portion of the regulator of the oxygen tank is connected to a mouthpiece. The upper part of the mouth piece tears often and that can suck in water while you are inhaling. But if you have big lips then the tear is covered and water does not flow in.
- The exhaust valve has a silicon lining and when that tears off you can get water while inhaling.
- Every regulator has a diaphragm that is held together with the help of a screw. There is also a thin washer between the cover of the regulator and the diaphragm. If the washer tears away or is missing then you can get wet breath.
How to Avoid Wet Breath?
- You can take a test before diving in. When the tank is off and there is no pressure try and breathe in. You should not be able to breathe in air because if you do then you will be breathing in water when you are down there diving.
- You need to check the diaphragm to see if the washer is in place. In case it is not then you need to get it in place. Diving with a compromised diaphragm can be dangerous. While you are diving in it can pop out. Thus you need to get it fixed.
- Check the mouthpiece to see if there are any holes at the end where it gets attached to the regulator. If there are small holes then this rupture can increase as the silicon slowly works through the rupture. You can change the position of the mouth piece to reduce this problem temporarily. You can also try and seal off this tear with your lips. But the best way to deal with it is to change the mouthpiece.
- Check the exhaust valve to see if the silicon lining is intact. Change it if necessary.
Photo Credit By: captronsdiving.com