Fishing at night can be very productive and a lot of fun as well. But this is only true if you can tackle the many problems that can crop up. Besides the low light, there are many other limitations which one can face during night fishing but once those are tackled, the result is worth the efforts.
If you are someone who is interested in catching some big fish (literally) and that too at the night time, then the following given tips and suggestions would prove really useful for you. So check them out:
Keep the Lights on
One of the first and the most effective tips to have a great night fishing session is to keep the lights running throughout your time on the boat. This helps so that other boaters can see you and so that you can have a better sense of direction. Do make sure you are visible to the others to avoid any accidents.
Watch Where you are Headed
Another important tip for night fishing is to keep a close watch on where you are going or headed. You need to watch not only for other boaters but also for debris and other stuff floating in the water. For this, you can use a spotlight but make sure it is not very strong as it tends to kill the side vision.
Take only Essential Equipment
Another useful tip for fishing at night is to minimize the equipments and stuff that you take with you or carry in your boat. You can put rods, coolers and tackle boxes etc. at home or into lockers so as to avoid tripping over these on the boat in the night. Also, make sure that your net is placed at such a place where you won’t trip over it.
Know the Weather
It is very important to know the weather of the place where you are headed for fishing at night. You will need to watch the weather more carefully than at daytime because storms are more common during the night and may slip up on you. Keep a radio close by and keep checking the weather updates. Also, wear warm clothes for the night time and carry enough rain gear.
Carry Bug Spray
One of the problems which can come up during a night fishing session is the constant buzzing of bugs. Keep a good bug spray close by and make sure you have an enjoyable time catching fish.
Check the boat and motor
It can be difficult to fix the boat and its motor in the night time and hence make sure that you check it beforehand and only head out if everything is in proper working order. Carry some tools which can help you fix a problem; if at all something crops up.
Keep a Communication Device Handy
It is very important to keep a communication device such as a mobile phone close by and fully charged. Also, inform your family about where you are headed before leaving.