Any camper knows how important is to know how to build a fire.
Sometimes this is not an easy issue and takes a lot of times and nerves. Here are few tips how to make fire starters by using fresh pine cones.
The experts are advising always to carry with you candle wax, tongs, rubber gloves, plastic trash bag, copper, lithium or calcium and of course pot and coffee can.
The fresh pine cones are appropriate for the fire, but first you need to dry them out by heating them at 225 degrees in the oven for no longer than 30 minutes. Meanwhile, melt the wax and use a coffee can, placed inside a pot of water.
Dip the pine cones into the wax and you can use tongs, as you dip and lift them as you wait 15 seconds after each dipping. Place the waxy cones on a pan, which you already filled with sawdust.
Place them well in the saw dust and then remove them from the pan. Use foil-lines pans and make sure they are in an upright position, because this is the best way to dry them completely.