How to Stay Safe on Public Transport in Different Countries

When we travel abroad, our own safety is paramount to us. When we go abroad, the chances are we will use public transport, even if it is to a large city or a small town.

Trains, buses and taxis make getting around on your holiday easy and affordable but using it is not always hazard free. Before booking your holiday, it is advisable to read up on the area you will be going to.

How to Stay Safe

Read about if there is public transport what are the crime rates? Some countries tend to have higher crime rates than others and if you don’t know this until you get there, not only will you be unprepared but you will also be disappointed.

You should not feel like you can’t use public transport, you should just be careful and know what to do. Here are some helpful tips:

1. If you want to use a taxi on holiday, make sure you use one that has official markings. Do not take an unmarked cab. An unmarked cab can sometimes be those who hang around outside your hotel and approach you when you leave to take you somewhere. This is a warning sign; do not get into these sorts of taxis. Your hotel should provide numbers of legitimate taxi firms that you can use.

2. Popular tourist routes are targeted by experienced thieves. This is because they tend to be busier which means a robbery will go more unnoticed. You should still travel on these routes but be more aware of your surroundings and avoid those who look like they could cause trouble.

3. Do not accept any food or drink from a stranger. This is an obvious one, but some people tend to forget about it. Drugs are often hidden in these beverages and then offered to passengers.

Along with these tips, if you just stay aware of your surroundings and keep your things secure then you should be safe.

However, if something actually happens during your holiday, worry no more as you can always seek an advice from legal aid solicitors to make holiday accident claims, and a solicitors firm such as Irwin Mitchell is a great place to start with.